Podcast behind the screens – behind the scenes | Ambiguity and unpredictability

Numerous projects have been selected as part of the new Media Art Fund and Media Art Fellows funding programs. What do they all have in common? A cooperative mindset and the ambition to use media art and digital culture to examine current issues and developments in the fields of art, technology and society. In the […]

Featured Audio

CLOSE ENCOUNTERS #9: Nieves de la Fuente Gutiérrez

In the 9th episode of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS, artist Nieves de la Fuente Gutiérrez talks to media scientist Thomas Spies about her work and her creative process in digital and analogue space.

Portrait Video

Podcast behind the screens – behind the scenes | I AM YOUR BODY

Sophie Emilie Beha talks to artist Marco Donnarumma about his project, which artistically and scientifically deals with the relationship between sound, artificial intelligence and the physical knowledge that lies within deaf and hard of hearing bodies.

Featured Audio

Scholarship of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia for female media artists

The Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia is awarding a scholarship for female media artists for the years 2024 and 2025. Apply now!

Funding Media Art

Podcast behind the screens – behind the scenes | Audience Participation Lab

In a shared kitchen in Berlin, Sophie talks to Maren and Lisa from STERNA | PAU about what theatre and gaming can learn from each other and what experiences they have had in the fusion of these two genres outside of classical dramaturgy.

Featured Audio

Podcast behind the screens – behind the scenes | (RE)IMAG(IN)ING THE DIGITAL DOCUMENT OF DANCE

In an interview, artist Kiraņ Kumār, software engineer Matthias Härtig and theatre director Jens Heitjohann talk about their experiences from the project, which explores the understanding of dance as a universal form of movement.

Featured Audio

Publication on media art fund and media art fellows

The projects from two years of the Media Art Fund and Media Art Fellows are presented in a publication. Order free of charge!

Featured Publication

Podcast behind the screens – behind the scenes | Counting Feelings

In this episode Sophie Emilie Beha and MELT talk about Counting Feelings – an artistic research project that examines how and which data we implement in our data practices.

Featured Podcast


In conversation with curator Haris Giannouras for CLOSE ENCOUNTERS, Ani Schulze talks about her artistic practice, in which the interplay of fact and fiction, in hybrid narratives, is playfully brought to light.

Portrait Video

CLOSE ENCOUNTERS #7: Vesela Stanoeva

For a new episode of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS, Vesela Stanoeva and writer Esra Canpalat met at the exhibition “Nine Suns” to talk about Vesela’s work as a curator, artist and scenographer.

Portrait Video


Together with partners from all over NRW, this September, we will immerse ourselves in the spectrum of media art.

Büro medienwerk.nrw Festival

CLOSE ENCOUNTERS #6: Silke Schönfeld

Artists Silke Schönfeld and Winnie Herbstein get together at the Hafenkombüse, to talk about the work of the Dortmund filmmaker and about her relationship to the protagonists she films.

Portrait Video

Recording Revisited: An evening on the history of experimental electronic music in the region

The recording of the panel and three live concerts is now available online for all those who could not join.

Moments Video

Podcast behind the screens – behind the scenes | Expanded Worlds

In Marl-Hüls, Olga experienced the digital exhibition project “Expanded Worlds” on site, taking an outside tour of media art works.

Featured Podcast


Above the rooftops of Krefeld, Klaas Werner talked to the sputnic collective about the use of analogue, digital and media technologies on stage and live animation cinema.

Portrait Video

Podcast behind the screens – behind the scenes | Forms of Kinship

Media Art Fellow Kris Dittel talks about her research on more diverse kinship forms beyond the traditional nuclear family.

Featured Podcast

Podcast behind the screens – behind the scenes | TAB TALKS

The new episode is all about literary work, digital environments and writing as a craft.

Featured Podcast

Revisited: VIDEONALE.1 X Perspective #2

Together with the Videonale Association, the Office medienwerk.nrw invited curator Giorgi Spanderashvili to place works from the Videonale’s online video archive into a new context.

Moments Video


Beate Scheder met with artist Isabella Fürnkäs at her childhood home in Cologne to learn more about recurring motifs in her performances, videos and drawings.

Portrait Video

Revisited: Space as Method. Thoughts based on VIDEONALE.1 #essay

In her essay curator Katrin Mundt explores the history of the renowned festival Videonale and the challenges and claims towards art festivals to come.

Moments Essay

Podcast behind the screens – behind the scenes | Sharing Space

In episode 4, Olga Felker talks to Fellow Fehime Seven and the fringe ensemble team about research on interactive performance design in Bonn.

Featured Podcast

Podcast behind the screens – behind the scenes | THE CASSETTE UNDERGROUND

Olga Felker visits the Inter Media Art Institute to talk about “The Cassette Underground” with Fellow Wouter de Romph and Director Linnea Semmerling.

Featured Podcast

Podcast behind the screens – behind the scenes | A MODEL WORLD

In this episode curators Juliette Bibasse and Julia Kaganskiy speak about Geo-engineering and their experiences as Fellows in the Ruhr area.

Featured Podcast


In conversation with Fabian Saavedra-Lara, the artist delves deeper into his working methods and thereby into man-made climate change.

Portrait Video

Highly speculative review of the year 2022 by Anna Klapdor

How will we look back on the year 2022 in the future? In a writing experiment, author Anna-Lena Klapdor has devoted herself to this perspective.

Perspectives Essay

CLOSE ENCOUNTERS #2.1: Nico Joana Weber

The artist talks to curator Kerstin Meincke about a joint trip to Nigeria and her work Tropic Telecom.

Portrait Video


In the studio, the artist talks with Nada Schroer about her artistic research on Past-Life Therapy and other projects.

Portrait Video


Daniel G. Andújar recalls his stay in Dortmund, a city in transition, where he was involved in the groundbreaking exhibition in 1998.

Moments Essay


In the film “Just want you to be”, Ale Bachlechner visualises the results of her research on the exhibition by using private mobile phone videos.

Moments Video


The artists talk to curator Marijke Lukowicz at the surface mine around Hambacher Forst.

Portrait Video

THROWBACK 2017: Speculative Technologies | Workshop with Jaromil

In 2017, the Office medienwerk.nrw invited students, artists, hackers and makers to work on hardware and software solutions for alternative ideas of technology.

Archive Workshop